

This section contains items of correspondence shipped with the various Corporate Identity Manuals as they were published, giving details of how the manual should be assembled, and which pages should be discarded etc.

Publication of Binder 1 (July 1965)

Major-General Llewellyn Wansbrough-Jones
1 July 1965

Publication of Binder 2 (November 1966)

Dr Frederick Curtis
November 1966

Instructions for rearranging the manual

Complete list of sheets in correct order (Page 1)

Complete list of sheets in correct order (Page 2)

Complete list of sheets in correct order (Page 3)

Publication of Binders 3 and 4 (April 1970)

James Cousins
April 1970

Update (March 1972)

James Cousins
March 1972

Update (January? 1974)

James Cousins
January? 1974

Update (April 1977)

James Cousins
April 1977

Update (November 1978)

James Cousins
November 1978

Distribution List

Distribution List (May 1965)

Distribution List (Page 1)

Distribution List (Page 2)

Distribution List (Page 3)

Distribution List (Page 4)

Distribution List (Page 5)

Distribution List (Page 6)

Distribution List (Page 6a)

Distribution List (Page 6b)

Distribution List (Page 7)

Distribution List (Page 8)

Distribution List (Page 9)

Distribution List (Page 10)

Distribution List (Page 11)

Distribution List (Page 12)

Distribution List (Page 13)

Distribution List (Page 14)

Distribution List (Page 15)

Distribution List (Page 16)

Distribution List (Page 17)

Distribution List (Page 18)

Distribution List (Page 19) Copyright © Nick Job 2011–. All rights reserved.